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A member registered Jul 12, 2019

Recent community posts

did you ever get passed the freddie part? im stuck there too and cant seem to find a way past it

damn my potato PC.....

Probably a stupid question but how do i start the last bar event?

So i wanted to ask if theres going to be dungeon scenes with the 3 slaves?

I do like moon but i like juliet better the goth girl if you dont know her name i seriously feel bad for her cuz none of the characters remember her id l Iike for her to be in the hotel vefore moon but its not up to me to decide

Its gimmesomemoney i dont know if its supossed to be locked for patrons but it works for me btw im not a patron i just saw the command on the internet i donno what website tho

no problem

(1 edit)

The answer is the letter E reread the riddle and watch the way it is said